#855 Pink and White Terraces (Otukapuarangi), New Zealand
Friday, March 22, 2013
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John Clarke Hoyte painting. Pink and White Terraces, Lake Rotomahana and Mount Tarawera. Watercolor and gouache on paper. ca 1870s. Hocken Collections. Uare Taoka o Hakena, University of Otago. http://www.whoi.edu/oceanus/viewImage.do?id=223993&aid=135809 |
http://www.buriedvillage.co.nz/pink_and_white_terraces/p/49 |
"The journey from Auckland was typically by steamer to Tauranga, the bridle track to Ohinemutu on Lake Rotorua, by coach to Te Wairoa by canoe across lake Tarawera, and then on foot over the hill to the swampy shores of Lake Rotomahana and the terraces." (Wikipedia)
http://www.virtualoceania.net/newzealand/photos/volcanic/terraces/whiteterraces.shtml |
http://www.virtualoceania.net/newzealand/photos/volcanic/terraces/waterbasins.shtml |
Lake Tarawera before the eruption and today -- the eruption enlarged the lake. A narrow isthmus separates lakes Tarawera and Rotomahana.
I've been fascinated with the pink and white terraces since I was a girl and saw a beautiful painting of them. It was only after a while that I learned that they had been destroyed -- I had dreamed of visiting them!
In a marvel of modern science, the lowest two tiers of the pink terraces were rediscovered 60 metres underwater while mapping the lake floor in 2011, and it is thought that the rest may be buried under sediment, and the increased-level lake.
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